Links of Interest--and Other Interests
My main blog sites:
http://shalannacollins.blogspot.com (for my YA fantasy series/fantasy/SF titles)
http://deniseweeks.blogspot.com (for the mainstream/mysteries/chick lit/etc.)
http://jackiesjottings.blogspot.com (for the Jacquidon Carroll traditional/edgy mystery series)
http://shalanna.livejournal.com (a personal journal of sorts)
My personal launchpad of webpages (much more informal):
My adventure as a finalist in the 2008 Scotch Brand Most GIfted (Gift-Wrapper) contest in NYC:
An article about me as a finalist: (the reporter wasn't impressed with me, judging from the headline)
My Facebook fan page for Shalanna Collins Books:l
My Facebook fan page for Denise Weeks Books: