Shalanna Collins (mundanely known at times as mystery/chick lit author Denise Weeks) has been writing since she could hold a crayon. She began her first novel at age six when her daddy revealed that books did not all fall from Heaven as the Bible and the CRC Math Tables had, but were written by mortal men and women. Writing as Shalanna Collins, she publishes YA urban fantasy/adventure; the first book in the APRIL, MAYBE JUNE series is gaining on TWILIGHT in popularity, and DULCINEA: or WIZARDRY A-FLUTE is a classic fantasy. As Denise Weeks (not the rap singer), she is the author of the Jacquidon Carroll edgy mystery NICE WORK and MURDER BY THE MARFA LIGHTS, the first in her Ari French paranormal mystery series, as well as several standalone novels. She and her husband live happily in a northern suburb of Dallas, Texas, with their two beloved pets: a yappy Pomeranian and Denise's elderly mother.
Her favorite foods are curried yak, chocolate, and French fries. She knows (but is not telling) a plethora of alchemical and occult secrets. She has been identified as a Person of Interest by all the right people. Write when you get work.